The Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 is now rapidly approaching, on this very date in March teams will have already descended upon Enschede for a feast of gaming action to rival any other! And with that it is time to update one or two points for you:
The Call of Duty 4 tournament is now fully activated with a fantastic volume of signups. Though the complete total payments is not quite verified due to the Christmas Bank Holidays here in the UK it would look like we're headed for a fantastic turnout for this tournament and should hopefully move past at least one triggered prize point! In the coming weeks we will announce details of the seeding tournament for CoD4 - it would be an injustice to seed the tournament without proper veficiation given the nature of transition the community has been through.
The Enemy Teritory tournament has been lagging behind in the signups for a while now and its time that everyone got off their backsides and into gear to signup for ET! Our 4 Crossfire Intel One Day cups were a huge success with around 40 teams signing up each week and with it a fresh breath of air across the ET community. It is now time to convert that interest into signups - so ET Teams please start signing up. With regards to the ET seeding tournament in cooperation with ESL, eiM did update the format of the tournament and we're very open to feedback on how you feel it best be delivered, so keep it coming!
Information on the Quake Live tournament will come next week, expect a nominal (low/small) entrance fee payable on location and it running around the schedule of the other two tournaments. We'll also be doing another poker tournament at the event too, so fear not poker fans!
Remember for all of those queries regarding accomodation they need to go directly to WZZRD as we dont handle accomodation reservations ourselves.