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CIC7 Update

image: ciec

The Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 is now rapidly approaching, on this very date in March teams will have already descended upon Enschede for a feast of gaming action to rival any other! And with that it is time to update one or two points for you:

The Call of Duty 4 tournament is now fully activated with a fantastic volume of signups. Though the complete total payments is not quite verified due to the Christmas Bank Holidays here in the UK it would look like we're headed for a fantastic turnout for this tournament and should hopefully move past at least one triggered prize point! In the coming weeks we will announce details of the seeding tournament for CoD4 - it would be an injustice to seed the tournament without proper veficiation given the nature of transition the community has been through.

The Enemy Teritory tournament has been lagging behind in the signups for a while now and its time that everyone got off their backsides and into gear to signup for ET! Our 4 Crossfire Intel One Day cups were a huge success with around 40 teams signing up each week and with it a fresh breath of air across the ET community. It is now time to convert that interest into signups - so ET Teams please start signing up. With regards to the ET seeding tournament in cooperation with ESL, eiM did update the format of the tournament and we're very open to feedback on how you feel it best be delivered, so keep it coming!

Information on the Quake Live tournament will come next week, expect a nominal (low/small) entrance fee payable on location and it running around the schedule of the other two tournaments. We'll also be doing another poker tournament at the event too, so fear not poker fans!

Remember for all of those queries regarding accomodation they need to go directly to WZZRD as we dont handle accomodation reservations ourselves.

Too Masculine for ECW

image: 261hikzFinnish side Masculine Mans have tonight overcome the so called Eurocup Winners by defeating eCW at the second time of asking. The match, which was replayed after famously being suspended half way through the initial attempt, took place this evening and it was the Finnish side who made best use of their second chance. The result has sparked some calls of foul play considering eCW were widely considered to be about to win the first map last time out, though this time they were comprehensively beaten.

EC Admin Killerboy had the following to say:

"Good fight by ECW on all maps, bit unfortunate sometimes by MM always showed good strength when needed (6/7 minutes defence upstairs on supply)." Ironically Killerboy highlighted Germany snoop as his man of the match stating: "sNoOp, highest fragger, most killingsprees best SMG, showed how important he is for the ECW side."


image: 914

Last night was supposed to be the grand final of the Clanbase Eurocup but as many random journals illuded to yesterday the final was not played, for those who dont know (I didnt until now) this is what happened:

Quote by Killerboy Francis & Homer had a radio shoutcast, and francis invited taZ and matias to shoutcast aswell apparently there was a misunderstanding (ecw thought it was a for pre-match only) only 1 could join the server due to insufficient slots and matias gave up (before the match started) and he quit without much problems but tazor kept on joining the server during the match and radio shoutcast connecting with voice changer and ruining it. After we kept on kicking him we got another CB admin Rayzed, and that solved the problem cos nobody could connect server was full so taz pasted the server ip & pw on #et-finland actually this happened before we got rayzed first he pasted the ip & pw then "grzesiek" connected with what we believe an rcon hacker. ETPro logs show he tried to crash it we kicked him from the server and rayzed joined, 5 minutes later everyone was kicked we dont know who it was for sure yet since we are waiting for the server console logs skooli and arni have all the details.

When will the match be next played? Potentially tonight, both sides were looking to play tonight however Germany snoop came down with a rare condition of nerdrage and deleted his entire profile and buddylist (serious stuff) and claimed he wont play again. One of the reasons for this was that ECW had defended radar for 9 minutes and started attacking well by taking the CP within 2 minutes so map 1 looked to headed their way.

Update The Clanbase Eurocup XX Final will now take place on Sunday night. On the same day that BA's Trade Union was shot down so were the scheduling problems for the EC Final. That has left many with the question of what lineup will roll out for ECW in the final?

CIC7 Signups Progressing

image: cic-header

The signup for the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 are progressing nicely with CoD4 currently leading the way! There is still plenty of time to signup however we'd much prefer it if teams signed up as early as possible to give us as much indication of how to structure things as soon as possible. We've also already had a handful of teams pay their entrance fee already!

- Key – Bold = Paid

Netherlands Charism
Europe Team Even More Randoms
Germany reVeal
United Kingdom fiLth.UK
United Kingdom Team YoYoTech
Europe Lost Soliders
Europe FIF
France dESIRE


Netherlands DOK Gaming
Germany Team Thermaltake
Europe Team Corgz
United Kingdom Sublime
Germany Speedlink
United Kingdom Infused
Netherlands TLR
France burning!
Europe fuZion
Czech Republic Power Gaming
Benelux Arm3d
Denmark MAMUT


To signup for a tournament at CIC7 you need to do the two following things, firstly you need to create your clan profile and get all your members into that Clan on Crossfire. You can create your clan profile here and add new members into it on the Add Members button. Once complete mail your Clan Profile, Your primary contact email address and phone number and which tournament you want to play in to CIC7Signups AT googlemail DOT com. Once completed you need to pay for your entry ticket, each player must pay €50 to enter either the ET or CoD tournaments (QL Info later) – Managers & Spectators are free.

We urge teams to pay their whole entry fee in one payment, rather than individual player payments.
Bank Transfers & PayPal:
- Payments Made payable to: Crossfire
- IBAN: GB24MIDL 403913 21363751
- Swift/Bic Code MIDLGB2152H
- Sort Code 403913
- Bank: HSBC
- Bank Address: 65 High Street Ruislip Middlesex HA4 8JE (UK)

PAYPAL Address: stuart at quadv dot com – Paypal users must pay a 5 euro fee ontop which we get charged for receiving the money – so it would be 255 Euro per team

Once you have paid you can send an email to the signup address to let us know, though you dont have to. You will see your signup go bold on the signup list when we confirm receipt of your money.

All payments for ET and payments once the CoD tournament has been formally triggered are nonrefundable. Do not pay unless you're sure you are going to attend.[/hide]

Signups for ET are open until January 24th, For CoD4 initial signups are open until January 1st – If 10 teams for CoD4 have paid by then we will extend the signups to the 24th of January. In February, Crossfire will run a seeding tournament for all competitions, and results of this tournament will determine the seedings for the event. All teams who have completed their payments will be assured a spot in the tournament.

Intel Sunday Night Cup #2

image: cic-header

To aid the transition from 6on6 to 5on5 at the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 we're running some 1 night cups to get teams playing 5on5 together. The format is very much like the old ingame.de cups, one night only, max 32 teams, Best of 3 SW Rounds on that 1 map, Single Elimination. Only the strongest will survive! Rumour has it that a number of the CIC7 oldschool top teams will be returning to activity during these cups!

Sunday December 13th

Signups Open: 00:00 CET - A new thread will be made where you'll need to post your lineup
First Round (Round of 32): 17:30 CET - Goldrush Adlernest (Delivery)
Second Round (Round of 16): 18:30 CET - Frosbite Delivery (Goldrush)
Third Round (Quarter Final): 19:30 CET - Adlernest Frosbite (Goldrush)
Fourth Round (Semi Final): 20:30 CET - Goldrush Delivery (Adlernest)
Last Round (Grand Final): 21:30 CET - Frosbite Goldrush (Adlernest)

It'd help greatly if you can show your interest in playing in this cup in the comments below!

eCW face TAG in EC LB Final

image: cbecxxkdk

The Clanbase Eurocup takes to the stage on Monday night as TAG and eCW to fight it out in the Loser Bracket Final of CB EC XX. For the winner the right to face off against finlands finest in the grand final of this seasons Eurocup, for the loser, a nice shiny bronze medal next to their name.

image: shead

image: snews

Europe TAG

Netherlands Lightning
Netherlands Hope
Croatia rimi
Finland lettu
Germany zerender
Latvia Clown

image: snews

Europe eCW

Poland dialer
Poland wiaderko
Netherlands perfo
Netherlands teKoa
United Kingdom Meez
Germany snoop
image: sbordersho

Time: 21:30 CET
Maps: Not announced
ETTV: GamesTV Link
Hosting: ClanBase

image: game14850

MixMix win Intel Sunday Night Cup #1

image: cic-header

Intel Sunday Night Cup #1

image: cic-header

To aid the transition from 6on6 to 5on5 at the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 we're running some 1 night cups to get teams playing 5on5 together. The format is very much like the old ingame.de cups, one night only, max 32 teams, 1 map, Best of 3 SW Rounds on that 1 map, Single Elimination. Only the strongest will survive! Rumour has it that a number of the CIC7 oldschool top teams will be returning to activity during these cups!

Sunday December 6th

Signups Open: 16:30 CET - A new thread will be made where you'll need to post your lineup
First Round (Round of 32): 17:30 CET - Goldrush
Second Round (Round of 16): 18:30 CET - Supply Depot
Third Round (Quarter Final): 19:30 CET - Radar
Fourth Round (Semi Final): 20:30 CET - Goldrush
Last Round (Grand Final): 21:30 CET - Radar

CoD Community shows its size

image: cic-header

The Call of Duty community have responded to yesterdays indecision regarding no Modern Warfare 2 tournament at the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 with a show of defiance towards their preferred title, Modern Warfare 1. The game which has a very successful history at the challenge series may well be making return after a whopping 30 teams confirmed both interest and finances to attend the event and a further 15 teams declaring just interest.

You can see the full list of teams interested in attending on this TEK9 thread. Hats off to Vanner for compiling that list and mobilising the community and as a result of that when we open up the payments for ET later this week, we will also open up CoD payments on the triggered prize system mentioned in that post.

Secondly and the reason why this is filtered as Crossfire rather than CoD is that TEK9 hero Jetset has written a mammoth guide for teams planning on attending the Crossfire Challenge. In this guide here you can see a monumental guide for all forms of travel and accommodation in the local area which will certainly help your travel plans for CIC7.

Announcing the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7

image: cic-header

It is with great pleasure that today I can announce the title sponsor of the Crossfire Challenge 7, Intel. Intel has long been the biggest supporter of eSports and it brings great pride that they have chosen to back Crossfire and its community. Intel's support of CIC7 enhances our ability to continue delivering top notch events with stronger prizes, more tournaments and a better playing environment.

For the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 you can look forward to Enemy Teritory 5vs5 in all of its glory and to support the transition over to 5vs5 for ET, we will be running the Intel 1 night cups on every Sunday throughout December up until Christmas. Intel will also be supporting the Quakelive Community Challenge with a Quakelive duelling competition at CC7 with the winner taking home a brand new Intel Core i7 processor. We’ll also be adding an Intel supported new game to our title list for the event which will be announced nearer the time.

For Wolfenstein fans we will not be following through with this tournament due to lack of an active competitive community. With regards to Modern Warfare we’re currently delaying our decision on what to do with the game due to its competitive difficulties, we will confirm the full additional game titles for CIC7 by Christmas.

I hope you find this news as exciting as I do as it brings about a bright future for the Crossfire Challenge series!

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