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Uszat does CPC2

The newest GGLTV LANtics episode covers interviews done with two fascinating Call of Duty 2 players at the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 2 in Enschede, Holland. One of them Serious Gaming's Netherlands Niels van Steenbergen and the other is Oxid's Sweden Rickard Intveld.

The spicy detail is that both of those players have the same nickname... Zem. It's very easy to get confused with those CoD2 players, especially for Poland Uszat. See for yourselves right over here.

Eurocup MVP Top 6!

image: mvpb

After 3 days of voting I decided to call it a day. It was a good trial but the system and the script just didn't work properly which meant a chaotic list of players (which was my own fault actually) and some highly suspicious high scores.

Because of the fact that I think that some of these scores weren't gained in the fair way, I decided to ignore the votes of LoTHaR. This player played with Retro this EC and this team actually lost all matches without winning one round, the fact that he got enough votes to be in the Top 6 means that either someone has voted multiple times, which wasn't very hard taking in account the security of this scripts, or he just has a lot of fanboys who voted him for the wrong reasons.

So without any further ado here is the Eurocup Most Valuable Players Team:
1. Belgium
This player is maybe one of the best aimers ET has nowadays, he proved to be of great value to his team TLR.eSports, who missed the final by losing to Pro5 in the Lower Bracket. Without a doubt he was voted for the right reasons. A great player!

2. Italy
This man knows everything about his gun, how the grenade will bounce when he hits that surface over there, or where he has to aim to hit his opponent around the corner (without using wallhack of course.), besides he just has a great aim with his slow shooting rifle, and he actually won the Eurocup with his team Evolve Gaming, formerly known as Polar. This rifler is worth watching.

3. United Kingdom
What can you say about sqzz... He jumps like a monkey and heals like a nurse. He's just a great team player, always running behind to be around when someone is down. He must have more syringe shots than SMG shots after the game. You can't win without a team player like sqzz, and Evolve have not lost once this Eurocup so you can say that sqzz did what he was asked to.

4. Germany
butchji is a great player with an aim comparable to mAus. The fact that his team reached the final after playing every single Lower Bracket match and beating Impact Gaming, Insignia Cadre, Team Dignitas and TLR.eSports in a row says enough about the team and also about their captain butchji. No doubt this player was of great value to his team. No doubt he was one of the Most Valuable Players...

5. Finland
A legend and maybe also in this Top 6 due to his massive fanboy club, but still he deserves it. You can't blame the team for the disappointing result this Eurocup, neither can you blame mystic. Who's to blame then? Blame the opponents, they were just too good, too organized. But still mystic was a memorable player. Going back to active again with such a come-back is what a lot of legends dream off.

6. Malta
Last but not least, the third player of Evolve Gaming, and surely the back bone of the team. This guy from the small island of Malta made his country proud by winning the Eurocup, and not only just by being in the winning team, but also by being decisive. He is just a great overall player and a great leader. Surely of high value to his team.

So here is what will happen next. A still to be formed panel will decide who of this six players will become the ultimate Most Valuable Player of the Eurocup XV. The Crossfire users have spoken and their idol was mAus, but what will the panel decide? Keep an eye on this site because it won't be long.

Furthermore there will be an article posted soon where some of the most known people of this community share us their Most Valuable Player Team, and we will ask them why those six players, and what they think of the outcome of this poll.

Thank you very much for all your votes and I promise you next event (maybe CPC3) this will be better organised preventing people from voting multiple times.

ET:QW Beta Cup Announced

Next month i3D.net will hold the first Enemy Territory OPEN BETA Quake Wars cup. And all the top European clans, teams and communities are invited.

The cup will feature a maximum of 40 clans. The only map will be Sewer and there are 3 rounds per match. The tournament format will initially be poules with the top two clans progressing to the knockout stages. Matches will start in the first week of July, with the finals to be played before the end of August.

Clans are required to have at least 8 players with a legal Quake Wars Open beta key. However the cup format is not yet confirmed. i3d.nl will provide match servers.

Prize Distribution

24 slots public gameserver, i3D.net 24 slots warserver, 8x Corepad
24 slots public gameserver
24 slots public gameserver

Source: http://www.i3d.nl/cup/

Evolve Gaming Announce New ET Lineup

image: ECFA4

Fresh from an emphatic victory over the Germany Pro5 team in the ClanBase EuroCup XV grand final on Monday, Evolve Gaming is proud to announce a renewed lineup for the final stages of the Cadre QCup, ET-Cup #26 and ESL Summer Season.

Two new faces join the roster seen playing this past EuroCup:

Netherlands Azatej joins the team officially as a full member. He has already played in the EuroCup winners bracket final game against TLR where Evolve took the victory over three maps, but aside from this is relatively unknown in highskill 6v6. His supreme aiming skills, great game sense and medic work combine to make him a more than suitable replacement for the outgoing wunderkind Netherlands Perfo.

The second addition to the team is newcomer Germany Butchji. Having played for the past 9 months with the p5/zP side the german star is no stranger to high level ET, and brings a depth of experience as well as his awesome aim to the team. Butchji replaces the awesome medic Wales sqzz, who was unable to stay as active as necessary over the summer period.

In addition to these changes, rifle-wonder Italy Xylos is also inactive over the summer period and will be replaced in the active lineup by Evolve backup and ET co-captain United Kingdom Adacore for the duration of his inactivity.

This leaves the current lineup of Evolve Gaming ET as:

Malta toxic
Germany snoop
United Kingdom razz
Netherlands Azatej
Germany Butchji
United Kingdom Adacore

Italy Xylos (Inactive)

With these changes the summer lineup of Evolve Gaming hope to continue their dominance of the ET scene over the summer and look forward to the games to come. See you in the game!

Play Quake Wars this week!

image: etqw_banner

Yes, you read that right. The public Quake Wars beta will be going live this week!

Over on the official community site, badman has just this second posted all the juicy details regarding the beta..

QuoteWith the Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Public Beta approaching, we have a few more bits of information about how the whole thing is organized, how you will be able to get your key, and, most importantly, when key distribution will actually start. Now, the ETQW Public Beta client will not work without a valid beta key.

With that in mind, your next question is undoubtedly "How the *bleep* do I get a key?"

First off, I know there's some concern that most of the 60,000 Public Beta slots will go to FilePlanet subscribers - this is not the case. In fact, the keys are split right down the middle, with half going to subscribers and the other half to people with free FilePlanet accounts.

Now, the ETQW Public Beta client will not work without a valid beta key. With that in mind, your next question is undoubtedly "How the *bleep* do I get a key?" Aside from the fact that this is a family-friendly blog and I won't have that kind of language around here, it's pretty straightforward: There will be a special Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Public Beta mini-site going up on FilePlanet that will be available throughout the key distribution phase. When you log into this site with your FilePlanet account and keys are available at that time, you'll get your key along with a download link for the beta client.

Let's move on to the actual distribution phase of the beta. As you're reading this, the beta is being released to a very limited number of select FilePlanet subscribers - we're calling this the sneak peek phase. Essentially, we're using this to test the delivery process and to see if there are any last minute showstopper issues. If you are a FilePlanet subscriber, you may get the chance to partake in this.

If the sneak peek goes well and no catastrophic issues crop up, we will move on to the actual key distribution phase. This is going to last several days and on each day we will make available a number of beta slots through the aforementioned ETQW sub-site on FilePlanet. During the first three days of this process, keys will be available to FilePlanet subscribers only. This will be followed by two days of keys for anyone with a free FilePlanet account.

The best part, and I've been waiting five paragraphs to say this, is that Day 1 of key distribution is currently scheduled for the middle of this week. That's right, the first batch of keys for the Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Public Beta will go out in just a few days! FilePlanet's ETQW sub-site will be going up that same day.

Now why are we spreading these out over several days instead of throwing all 60,000 keys out at once? Simple: We want to make sure that as many people as possible get the chance to obtain a key and we feel that scheduling a predetermined number of keys to go out each day is the best way to do this. We're also going to be gradually ramping up the number of available keys with each passing day, so as time goes on, more keys are passed out per day. This allows us to steadily increase the load on our back-end infrastructure, making sure we can effectively test that.

Of course, a multiplayer beta is useless if there are no servers to play on. Towards that end, we've been working closely with a select number of Game Server Providers to get servers for the Public Beta up in North America, Europe, and Australia. We will continue to work with GSPs around the world to make sure Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars servers can be found in every major territory when the game ships.

One last thing: We will definitely keep you updated throughout the various phases of the Public Beta roll-out, so be sure to check the site regularly to find out the latest.

So if you're gagging to get access to the beta, which will be a one map affair on Sewer, read the text below.

If you are a current fileplanet subscriber, starting Wednesday and continuing for 3 days, you'll have the chance to grab a beta key. If you have a free fileplanet account, you will have your chance to grab a key from saturday or sunday continuing for 2 days.

Keep an eye on this page if you have a fileplanet account!

I've got mine, so i'll see you on the battlefield soon!

Source: Community Site

Eurocup Grand Final - evolve wins

image: ECFA4

Ladies and gentlemen, it's finally there. The one and only Grand Final of the Eurocup XV will be played tomorrow. Two teams have gone through a lot to reach the highest stage in this tournament, especially Pro5 who have played 8! matches of which 5 against European top teams and they only lost one of them.

image: ECFA3
image: ECFA2
image: ECFA1

image: mvpb

With the end of the Eurocup the vote for the Most Valuable Players is open.

After some discussions I have changed my view and have removed the banned players from the list.

You can all vote here:

Thank you in advance.

C&A Policy Update

The C&A Department have made some changes to the Cheating and Abuse Policy as part of ongoing review of our guidelines. The following additions will come into effect from midnight (CET) Saturday 16th June 2007.


for individual players:

* Anyone caught cheating in an official ClanBase match, will have the result changed into a forfeit loss. Only games where the cheating occured will be changed.
* Anyone caught cheating in a public server or an outside league, will result in a ban only. Results of any ClanBase games in which they have participated, will not be changed.

Please note that ClanBase will only ever change the result of a match when it can be proved that an offence took place during that match. All players are considered innocent until proven guilty and a player's guilt can only be ascertained once their case has been dealt with by the C&A Team.


* Anyone who is currently banned, cannot request or Supervise a Hosted cup.
* Bans are issued at various times, because of this it is impossible for us to see if there are any ongoing or scheduled matches for offending players.
* It is the player's responsibility to check to see if they have been issued a ban.
* Players have until 30 minutes before their scheduled match to check if a ban has been issued. If a ban has not been issued by then, they are free to play that match regardless if a ban is then issued.

Following a situation in which a player's ban was added whilst he was playing an official match the above has been added for clarification.

Source: http://clanbase.ggl.com/news.php?nid=258624
Posted by Moadebe

The strogg are coming! .."soon-ish"*

image: 76933The upcoming successor to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is now in the earlier announced open beta stage of testing. This is the part where regular people (some say about 50.000) get the chance to try, test and give feedback on the game, to get rid of the last load of bugs before release. The open beta will be hosted by Fileplanet.com and it is not clear if it will be subscribers only.

The open beta will probably not be identical and not have the same features as the ongoing closed beta. (That also features clans) There is no info at this time about whether or not this beta will make it possible for clans to scrim. Info from people being able to download the open beta earlier than planned (but not play), say it contains the map Sewer.

Official announcement
QuoteWhat I can confirm at this point is that the Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Public Beta is definitely coming. I do not have a final date at the moment, but the groundwork is obviously being laid for the thing to roll out soon-ish.

We will have much more on the ETQW public beta in the near future, laying out our plans for the beta and how you can participate.

Stay tuned...

You can read the whole announcement and the following discussion on the official ET: QW community site here, see the system requirements for the open beta here and sometime 'soon-ish' download the beta from Fileplanet here.

ESL Summer Series announced

image: header

With the latest amount of cups and storys written in ET's very own history it's time to get a new session up and to rumble the scene with a straight amount of events in our very own Enemy Territory's 1on1, 2on2, 3on3 and ofcourse 6on6 competition area. When you expected a hot summer with hot nights we will bring you even more of this with hot maps and the definitely best config settings on earth.
Again, we offer a free amount of slots for our 6on6 and 3on3 Competition. We will devide a free amount of teams in each division to give each the chance to do their best based on results achived in the ESL and latest results in other competitions.

The king is dead - Atleast the former line up of the current VAE and former 141.et team who is still on the very top of our last series ranking with winning against n1ce.it, a new season can bring a new team up to the top. According to the choice of playable maps in the past, we have decided to take in the one and only dusty and spammy map in ET back into our pool. For everyone who thought karsiah is playable, we will prove you how playable the old Oasis is. With removing Frostbite and adding Bremen in the latest version, we hope to bring you up some hot games with much of fun playing the cup on your own.

:: Sign Up Open: 22.06.2007
Start: 24.06.2007
Structure: 3 Stages
Teams: Not Limited
Divisions: Not Limited

Stage 1 Groupstage
6 Teams in each group
4 or 8 groups each division
1st advance to playoffs
2nd and 3rd in Qualifier

Stage 2 Qualifier
16 Teams
Single Elimination Bracket
1 Match and the winner is qualified for the final playoffs

Stage 3 Playoffs
8 / 16 Teams
Double Elimination Bracket
Upper Bracket: Tuesday
Lower Bracket: Thursday

:: · SW Goldrush TE
· Bremen (b2)
· Braundorf (b4)
· Supply
· Radar
· Oasis

:: SignUp

With multikulti winning against teh smileyz in the last season letting elite and sTREETFIGHTERS right in the back, a new season can bring a new chance for those who didn't get on the top yet. With a new chance of winning, we have also included bremen as a 3on3 map to keep the map pools as similar as possible.

:: Start: 24.06.2007
Structure: 3 Stages
Teams: Not Limited
Divisions: Not Limited

Stage 1 Groupstage
6 Teams in each group
4 / 8 / 16 groups each division
1st advance to playoffs
2nd and 3rd in Qualifier

Stage 2 Qualifier
16 / 32 Teams
Single Elimination Bracket
1 Match and the winner is qualified for the final playoffs

Stage 3 Playoffs
8 / 16 / 32 Teams
Double Elimination Bracket
Upper Bracket: Tuesday
Lower Bracket: Thursday

:: · SW Goldrush TE
· Bremen (b2)
· Braundorf (b4)
· Supply
· Frostbite
· ET Ice

:: SignUp

TLR take on pro5 in Eurocup Losers Final

image: ecxv2

Wednesday is the night for dancing, romancing and fragging as The Last Resort take on pro5 in the Clanbase ET Eurocup loser bracket final. Some may call this a match of biblical proportions, and they'd be right as we reach the penultimate match of a thrilling season.

image: sb_tlr_p5
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: QuadV TosspoT

pro5 have got this far in the face of adversity, having lost two influential players to cheating allegations they've called on a man with great experience to help them finish the season with a bang. Former plan-b potter returns to their starting lineup in a bid to guide them through dangerous waters. pro5 have already come much further than many expected and in what the irc rumours believe could be their last match, they'll look to secure themselves at least another match after this.

The Last Resort go into the game as favourites and have just cleared their players exam period. The CPC2 champions have looked good all season, their 4-2 defeat to junk52 is the one blemmish that will be giving great hope to pro5. Their weakness has been on the new maps this season and karsiah at least, is a map that pro5 have already claimed victory on. The favourites will need to bone up and go home and away to claim their place in the final.

Overall it should be a brilliant match, be sure not to miss it!
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