Team Poland

Previous Captains:
NC XIII: Poland n00n
NC XIV: Poland numeric
Previous Achievements:
NC XIII: Loser bracket semi finals (elimination by Estonia Estonia)
NC XIV: Loser bracket quarter finals (elimination by the United Kingdom United Kingdom)
This Year's Applicants:
  • Entry:[quote]I would make a good captain because no one else who can be arsed would :D + I have no buddies so you can be sure only those who deserve it will play for Poland and not my buddies, because I have none. And no more shizzle like "omg he raped 3 years ago, he didn't play at all but he raped 3 years ago so I must take him". I jak mnie wybierzecie to ogole pachy.[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    My name is Robert, more commonly known as Robaciek, I'm 20 years young, fuck ugly and I spent half of my life on this game. Looked upon as a retard by most people in the community which amuses me. Also I swore that if I win, I will shave my armpits.
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I think I'm the best man for the job, because I have no life and other candidates are bad, signed up for troll or don't have heart for the job. I'm also up to date with community and I know who is ready to play.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    Lineup in my head is almost complete, but I have to say the task is really hard. Not only there is not much Poles left playing at a decent level, but I also need to take into account that some people won't play with each other. I'm quite confident I'll be able to get the lineup I want.
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    I would rather not show my cards this early and rather wait for Turn and River as I still need to do some talks and probably have a little gamble on 6th. What I can say is that some fanboys won't be disappointed.
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    I think that with current state of Polish community it is safe to say this lineup can reach top5. Sadly golden years of our country have passed and I don't see them coming back. But we have to be positive and hope for our team to surprise us in upcoming NC. And let's hope CB won't screw anything up like they did in the past months.

  • Entry:[quote]enough experience and knowledge about that, have mentality of winner[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    I’m Marcin, 21yrs old, I’m studying of administration (3year) on Kazimierz Pułaski Technical University of Poland Radom. I’m playing ET since 2004
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    why me? I have enough experience and knowledge about general and polish scene. I can create a super team with mentality of winners.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    I was talking with FragStealer numeric zMk palemki hunter Krein syriusz fanatic and they’ve expressed the wish to play for Poland.
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    Frag'Stealer, zMk, numeric, kot, ska, hunter - Krein, fanatic, syriusZ, wiadro, edain
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    With that team top4 will be, but we are hungry for gold.

  • Entry:[quote]Because it is one and only choice. I am not nc/ec experienced, I am not even so skilled player. I just love this online game! Got new, fresh ideas, vote if you want something unique.

    - Poniewa? to jest jeden jedyny i do tego w?a?ciwy wybór. Nie mam do?wiadczenia ani nc/ec ani nie jestem za skillowym graczem, po prostu kocham t? gr?. Mam nowe, ?wie?e pomys?y. G?osujcie jak chcecie czego? niepowtarzalnego ![/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    My name is Tomasz 'tanchez' Zagubień, I live in northern Poland in Koszalin. At E-Sport scene I have been since 2007 but my ET career started in 2008. Currently I play for Norway ceWEge.
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    It is really simple. I am hard-working & ambitious person, if is start something, i do my best to succeed. I have got uniqe ideas which are worth presenting.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    I have got some lineup ideas but it is not complete, first of all it will be different than in the past. I think I will be able to get players I choose because in my opinion everyone wants to be involved in their national team, moreover I think that players find me ok
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    hmm... Everything is top secret but I can say that my types will base on polish EC teams and Polish All-Stars challenge 2012.
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    I think there are few goals to achieve with this team. First of all we need to create a connection between the players, then a trust & in the end we should start winning. So according to this the chosen squad (this right one) cannot consists of more than 10 player as it happened in the past. Coming back to your question my main goal with Team Poland is top3 in NC.

  • Entry:[quote]I am not sure if someone reliable and smart enough will apply for this job[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    I am aDman, reliable 22 years old man, pretty awesome dude with stupid sense of humor. I played with polish finest players, made savak (eliteplayers) play good. Able to get rid of my ego to make a good team.
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I am not the best man for this job. I just don't want someone unreliable to become captain.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    Just few players, not sure if they would agree to play in main LU, but they won't refuse me :)
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    No. Thing worth mentioning: "I am not going to play".
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    My goal is to make this team win NC, but becoming second won't make me feel sad.

  • Entry:[quote]Simply the best ! ! ![/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    No need to I’m known to every1 ;)
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I have been playing for team Poland from 2006 up till now so I think it speaks for itself.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    Yes I do, already got 5 people that agreed to play if I will get chosen for captain.
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    It’s a secret ^^.
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    As far as possible

  • Entry:[quote]train hard, go pro![/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    Yes, I do.
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    Because I'm the best here.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    Top secret
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    1st place!

  • Entry:[quote]I just want to save this nations cup.
    Going to work with players - for players.
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    ET Pro player since December '07 Played at 2 polish LANs in Bialystok + many CB, ESL and Warleagues Cup's and ladders
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I don’t think that I am the best for his job, just want to make this voting more exciting.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    First of all – I have to win this. Then we will see if people want to play for Team Poland with szczurek as a captain.
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    For sure I would like to "use" only active players.It's not like we are in need of another "forgotten heroes".
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    In every competition, for everyone team/player main goals is a win. And that’s how I will try to mentally prepare my players.

Having read everybody's answer I must say I'm most convinced of the team Poland dIZEL would put together so he'ld be getting my vote even with Poland dialer running for captaincy.

Team Portugal

Previous Captains:
NC XIII: Portugal krypto
NC XIV: Portugal Lucifel
Previous Achievements:
NC XIII:3rd in group stage (1 win)
NC XIV: Loser bracket round 2 (elimination by France France)
This Year's Applicants:
  • Entry:[quote]Because i am awesome.[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    Hi my name is Basty. I'm playing ET since 2003, never really got into the competitive scene till late 2006, was playing mostly on xp-saving pubs (best times).
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I am pretty good at doing the job since I'm active in the scene, I know who is playing and who isn't. I'm also currently leader of a mix team that's been alive since 2008. I'm very good at leading and finding out what's the best.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    I think the lineup should be: shade, punky, Basty, Sexclick, sexyhot, QkR This lineup has a variety of all classes from soldier to covert ops and should be able to compete greatly in the next Nations Cup.
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    I think our place should be to pass our group and make it off to playoffs, last 12 I'm aiming for. Hope this will work out and we can achieve something nicely. I wish to wish all the other captains and nations good luck too, see you on the battlefield.

  • Entry:[quote]Because i'm punky.[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    Hey my name is Punky. I'm playing ET since 2003, never really got into the competitive scene till late 2007, was playing mostly on jaymod servers (good memories).
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I am pretty good at doing the job since I'm active in the scene, I know who is playing and who isn't. I'm also currently leader of a mix team that's been alive since 2008. I'm very good at leading and finding out what's the best.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    I think the lineup should be something like: QkR, Basty, Sexclick, sexyhot, setup, punky (there might be some changes after, depends on the availability of the players)
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    This lineup has a variety of all classes from soldier to covert ops and should be able to compete greatly in the next Nations Cup. I think our place should be to pass our group and make it off to playoffs, last 12 I'm aiming for. Hope this will work out and we can achieve something nice. Good luck to the other capitans and future teams! See you on the battlefield.

  • Entry:[quote]Because I am a panther[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    Hi my name is miraya, otherwise known as boa. I'm playing ET since 2003, never really got into the competitive scene till late 2006, was playing mostly on xp-saving pubs (best times).
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I am pretty good at doing the job since I'm active in the scene, I know who is playing and who isn't. I'm also currently leader of a mix team that's been alive since 2008. I'm very good at leading and finding out what's the best.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    I think the lineup should be: shade punky Basty Sexclick sexyhot QkR
    This lineup has a variety of all classes from soldier to covert ops and should be able to compete greatly in the next Nations Cup.
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    I think our place should be to pass our group and make it off to playoffs, last 12 I'm aiming for. Hope this will work out and we can achieve something nicely. I wish to wish all the other captains and nations good luck too, see you on the battlefield.

  • Entry:[quote]challange accepted[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    I haven't received a reply from Portugal the_panz3r yet.

  • Entry:[quote]considering the current ET situation
    I q-t, apply

    tendo em conta o actual panorama do ET nacional
    eu q-t, candidato-me
    (vai ser criado um post em para saber com quem se pode contar)[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    I haven't received a reply from Portugal quebra-tolas yet.

As far as I can tell it doesn't really matter who you vote for here. All players that applied will field the same lineup so I'ld vote for Portugal Basty here.

Team Romania

Previous Captains:
NC XIII: Romania FoaMeA
NC XIV: Romania FoaMeA
Previous Achievements:
NC XIII: Last in group stage (0 wins)
NC XIV: Last in group stage (0 wins)
This Year's Applicants:
  • Entry:[quote]I've been observing new talents and we're ready to get the Wooden Spoon Title once again!
    Been captain for the last 2 years...[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    I'm playing ET since 2003, been playing a lot on pubs and some wars in some random public clans before finding this community, in 2008. Since then, I've been quite active as an ETPRO player and I want to believe that I reached a decent level and that I gathered enough experience to manage and train a team.
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I think that my experience would qualify me as being the most suitable Romanian captain that our community can give at this moment. And that I've been doing this job for the last 2 editions.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    Yes, I already have a line-up in mind. I've decided to let some of the new talents prove themselves in this edition. So you will definitely see some new names. No more miLi, R00NNY, FaKy, sadly.
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    I'm currently training the following: Tzuku, Bullet, Lover, Jimmy, Gruesome, Blizzard, Master, Robert, nebu, spitfire.
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    I'm currently planning on getting this team to a decent level. It's been too long since we haven't achieved a single victory in NC, so I'd say we're going for at least a win in this season. :)

  • Entry:[quote]Can say I am more active than others better than me and who want to apply for team ... 1st I see almost every day all players who worth to be in Nations Cup and can have a good point about team ... 2nd will improve ...[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Was unable to contact Romania Jimmy

  • Entry:[quote]I play with most of the best Romanian players every day, and I know who is worthy to be a part of our national team. My strategy is to choose the players who are in the best shape atm and not the ones with a big name but who are not active.[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    Hey, I'm bulletproof, I play ET on and off since 2004 and etpro since 2010, when I founded RR clan with some romanian friends and since then I started to play competitively and gain experience.
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I think I am the best option because I am very active and I have gained the required skills. I play with the best romanians every day and I know who is in the best shape.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    More or less. I have a line-up in mind but I don't think I will be able to get all of them to play.
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    Yes, I would mind :)) . But I can tell that along side me, Tzuku, Lover, Jimmy, Razy and Blade will most likely be in the team.
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    The main goal is to qualify in to the groups. I don't think we can get far after that, mostly because there are only about 30 active etpro players atm in Romania.

With both Romania Jimmy and Romania bulletproof being unknowns to me, I would vote for Romania FoaMeA since he certainly is on the job at the moment training a team. I hope he passes qualifiers yet again and that he might even pass the groupstage this year!