Recent News (6)

Custom ETTV-client

Just in time for this big Match!

You use this EXE File at your own risk!
You will not connect to any Punkbuster servers for your own good!
You will not rename this EXE File to ET.exe
You will not try to use this EXE File on any other than ETTV servers.

This is a custom build ET GPL EXE from the just released ET Source Code.

Recent Articles (2)

Moviemaking and its bright future?

Well i spent another night in front of my computer, messing around with the great ET:QW engine. After having a great, and very useful discussion in vent tonight I decided to start to fully concentrate on ET:QW.

Yesterday we had another two ET Movie releases from pretty well known players. Both movies were done by webartsdesign and the names of the fraggers were promising as hell. So i clicked on the first, called aCoZz the movie.