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  • Stuart
  • Lives in United Kingdom uk
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Recent News (6)

SplashDamage announce DirtyBomb

SplashDamage have returned to the PC FPS Realm with their latest title DirtyBomb. To be launched on the Unreal 3 engine the game is a made for PC FPS title that in the words of Paul Wedgewood when I bumped into at Gamescom 'you guys will really like'.

Recent Articles (6)

New Management!

The time has come to do something different with Crossfire, time to recognise that this community may be better served by someone else with the keys to the car. As of today I am glad to announce that the brotherly duo of MerlinatoR & Artstar will become the new supreme commanders of Crossfire as I step into the background.

Recent Polls (3)

Favourite thing about Crossfire 4?